Saturday, June 21, 2008

Alibaba Meng Yee

Lol , lousy head title.zzz
Hey , its me the long winded Meng Yee here :P
I found this some where which amaze me really much.

Nothing is as it seems to be.This is AWESOME! Tilt your head to the left to see the picture above. You will be amazed at what you see.

Cool huh?
I think I want to visit this place whom I love really much :)
but that would be 5 years later bah

And recently I accidentaly spill little bitsy of my secrets which is the person I like.
One thing I would like to say is I'm confuse.
Everytime , when I like a person .
Let us name him A .
I got this habit that I would runaway from my feelings and eventually I force my self to like someone else.
Let us name the other person B.

Anyway no worries cause the secret I wanted to kept by myself is still save.
Which means I just accidentaly spilled is B! :P

Lucky me.In my brain , I kept think

"MEng Yee , what's wrong with me?"
"You need a break , dun stress your self!" Maybe because I am lack of sleep or I'm under pressure ..

Halo , Lack of sleep causes eye bag.
Wtf , I always have eyebag which make me look fcuking ugly T_T
Then pressure is maybe due to studies.

I should be happy when I got excellent results.
But NOT!!
Results are meant to be maintain and effort is a must.
No slacking and the list go on.

Some will thought that I'm boasting,
this la that la and etc.
I'm fed up.
The reason I must maintain my results is because my dad la.

My dad missed my anugerah cemerlang this year.
He missed it because of his sleeping habit .

Papa , why must u sleep like a pig ar!You daughter is going to take
present at the stage!!!

Aiyo , its okay .
I knew my dad wants to see me taking my cert on the stage ?
Perharps , he 's proud.
I know daddy is dissapointed because he is unable to see me going up the stage receiving stage.
He strive hard to maintain our family.I felt really sad when he is dissapointed.

So I said to my self

"Meng Yee , by hope or by crooke you must get papa to go for anugerah cemerlang again to see u on stage next year ."
And also get my self a scholarship.

I musn't deny that I love mummy and daddy really much and dun wan burden my parents .
I dun wish to see them suffering paying my college fees in the future for my studies.

P/s: I cant continue wriiting due to emotional feelings.

Sorry for any grammartical mistake because everyting I wrote here is sincerely from my heart.


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